Annual Registration: $175 Registration- due at the time of accepting team position or by June 15
The registration fee is used to cover direct registration costs and program administrative costs. This includes association membership fees, contribution to coaching education, staff and administrative costs, website fees, and marketing costs. The Annual Registration fee is nonrefundable.
Club Fees:
Girls Academy will pay an annual amount of $1,799 which can be split up into 10 monthly installments starting in July (if you decide to leave before the end of the year, the full amount is still due before being released)
MLS Next teams will pay an annual amount of $1,599 which can be split up into 10 monthly installments starting in July (if you decide to leave before the end of the year, the full amount is still due before being released)
Academy level will pay an annual amount of $1,399 which can be split up into 10 monthly installments starting in July (if you decide to leave before the end of the year, the full amount is still due before being released)
All other levels will pay an annual amount of $1,199 which can be split up into 10 monthly installments starting with the July month (if you decide to leave before the end of the year, the full amount is still due before being released)
Commitment to Service Deposit: $150 (managers/assistant coaches and other volunteer positions get this waived x 2)
Includes: practice and game rentals, referee fees, tactical clinics, coaching fees and Ajax tournaments. Any other expense (league fees, other tournaments, coach travel, etc.) will be charged to each team individually. Ajax United Families are responsible for all tournaments and league fees whether they choose to participate or not. MYSA-Ajax is not responsible for subsidizing any team fees; Ajax United parents are responsible for their children's team's fees.
4 Ways to Play For Free: Top-talent scholarship, financial aid scholarship, volunteer ($10/hr. credit) and fundraising
Puma Uniforms
Puma Uniform packages for May 2024 = approximately $180 (includes green game uniform, black game uniform and 2 training jerseys)
Players who join the teams after teams have been formed, their Ajax Registration and Club Service Deposit fees will be prorated.
Team Assignment:
• Ajax United reserves the right to assign players and coaches and make necessary roster adjustments to the teams.
• Ajax United reserves the right to discharge a player with no reason given.
Player Payment Procedures: These are annual fees and can be split up into 10 installments throughout the year. All payments are due on the first of every month and will be made to the Club. Club and team fees will be combined for one total due each month and posted to Blue Sombrero accounts. We encourage families to enroll in the auto-pay on our website. Payments can be made by check or cash in the office during office hours.
Delinquent Accounts: A player with fees that are past due (over 30 days), and who has not tried to work out a "payment plan" or submitted a scholarship request by the due date, will be placed in bad standing with Ajax United until such time as the financial obligation has been resolved. A player in bad standing with Ajax United may not be rostered on a team, issued a player pass or participate in practices and/or games. In the cases of families with multiple players, an "in bad standing" status of one player will apply to all players in a family. Additionally, if applicable, a late fee may be charged for late payments. Payment issues should not be discussed with coaches. Please contact the Ajax United Finance Department with any questions.
Player Statements: We will not be distributing Player Statements. Instead, player accounts can be accessed online. However, check or cash payments may not be recorded right away.
Fundraising: If your team will fundraise, you must have a fundraising committee or person in charge. Please see the Team Fundraising tab for more information. Player accounts will be credited as a payment. Absolutely no fundraisers involving "Sports Pools" or gambling of any kind are allowed.
Team Equipment: Equipment purchased with team funds becomes the property of the Team or Club.
Coach Travel: When travel is beyond the Region 8 area, mileage reimbursement will be made at the IRS business rate (from the Complex to the field and back). When an overnight stay is necessary, a reasonable hotel charge will be reimbursed with team funds.
Financial Aid (Ajax Scholarships): A limited and fixed amount of financial aid is available to families experiencing hardships. Forms are available on our website under the Competitive tab. Applications must be submitted to the office by July 1st.
Late applications will not be accepted. The Committee will meet during the first week of the following month and notification will be sent to the families immediately after that. If awarded a scholarship, player accounts will be credited.
Injured/Illness Players: Players that have an extensive injury or illness may have a portion of their monthly Club Fees reduced.. A doctor’s note, along with the Ajax Committee’s approval is required for a fee reduction.
Sponsorships/Donations: Any Sponsorships should be made payable to Ajax United and will be credited 80% to the player responsible for acquiring the donation and 20% to be divided between the other players on the team at the time.